Poetry is the Criticism of Life by tanvir

Discuss Poetry is the Criticism of Life

Do you agree with Matthew Arnold that poetry is the criticism of life? Give reasons for your answer. [NU 2019]
Or, “Poetry is the criticism of life, governed by the laws of poetic truth and poetic beauty.”-Discuss. [NU 2017]
Or, Write a critical note on Arnold’s idea that poetry is the criticism of life.

Poetry is the Criticism of Life

In the critical essay “The Study of poetry”, Arnold presents the functions of poetry and says that poetry is the Criticism of life. He believes that poetry is the total evaluation of human life. Besides, Arnold Says that poetry should be related to human life and human affairs. So, poetry is the method of analyzing human life.

In the essay, Arnold gives his views about poetry in the following lines: –

"In Poetry, a criticism of life under the conditions fixed for such a criticism by the laws of poetic truth and poetic beauty."

Here poetic truth means, the subject matter of poetry should be true to nature. And poetic beauty means Poetry should have excellence of expression and style.

The phrase ‘criticism of life’ is elaborated by Arnold with the phrase ‘application of ideas to life. By criticism of life, Arnold does not mean the photographic representation of life as it is but ‘noble and profound application of ideas to life. Actually by the phrase, Arnold means that poetry is an interpretation of life as the poet experiences it. The more powerful the application of ideas, the greater will be the poetry.

Criticism also means how a creative artist reacts to his experiences and gives expression to his ideal attitude to those experiences. According to Arnold, poetry is not merely an intellectual exercise; it is subject to the laws of poetic truth and poetic beauty.

As the criticism of human life, poetry gives various ideas about life. In fact a poet observes his surroundings. Then he expresses it in his poetry critically. Thus a poet pours his knowledge and experiences in the poetry. So, poetry is the place of presenting different ideas.

Arnold does not give a shallow idea about poetry. He is very serious in giving the definition of poetry. Arnold says that poetry should have high seriousness. So, a shallow subject matter should not be selected for poetry and it should not be written for silly purpose. It should be written for the criticism of life and the criticism of life should be for enhancing the spiritual strength in mankind.

Through the criticism of life Arnold tries to hint at the purification through delight. So, a poet should make criticism for purification. According to him, a poet should react against any negative, invalid and injustice. Then he should try to rectify these negative sides in his poetry.

A poet should present the social problems in his poems to make life better. So, Arnold’s criticism is not confined to the criticism only. Rather, it refers to the interpretation of life. In other sense, Arnold’s criticism of poetry stands for ensuring humanity to continue life. So a poet must deal with moral ideas for developing humanity. Thus poetry must present the insight and the internal picture of human life.

Many critics criticize Arnold for his theory. A critic named Trilling says that Arnold’s definition of poetry has not been correct. He says criticism may be a function of poetry but it is not the definition of poetry.

Again, Prof. Garrod does not like Arnold’s theory. He says that Arnold should have presented poetry as a criticism of the chaos of life instead of the criticism of life. T.S Eliot also does not like Arnold’s theory.

Though Arnold’s definition of poetry is criticized, it is admired by many critics. So, his poetic theory is a notable one in English criticism.

Prepared by Tanvir, Admin.

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